To define a more structured and scalable marketing strategy to increase the number of demos and free trials in a competitive SaaS B2B market
Rasmus Lindersgaard
The Solution / Approach
MIGHTY MONDAY started by mapping and auditing the maturity and performance of the current channels based on a fixed KPI framework developed in close collaboration with Corpay One.
In addition, MIGHTY MONDAY developed a structured 'Test and Learn' approach with a focus on continuously activating new features on existing channels as well as launching new activities on carefully selected channels for the marketing mix.
Since the primary task was to increase the number of demos and free trials, the focus was to activate all relevant companies that needed Corpay's One platform via short-term sales activation. To do this, a content and communication plan was created for each persona.
The customer journey for B2B SaaS tools can be long, which is why a longer-term brand activation strategy was defined in parallel, in which HubSpot became a crucial factor in the interaction between marketing and sales. The interaction with sales, marketing and the respective channels such as Meta, LinkedIn, Reddit, Search, Display and YouTube was a crucial element in the improved performance as well as the ability to scale the setup.
Get in touch with us
We've rolled up our sleeves - and are ready to help you enter the competitive SaaS market.
Corpay One er sat i verden for hjælpe små- og mellemstore virksomheder med at betale deres leverandører, gøre bogføringen enklere og samtidig give et bedre overblik over alle udgifter i en samlet digital platform. Corpay One er i dag mere end 100 medarbejdere på tværs af deres kontorer i Danmark, England og USA.
- Meta
- LindkedIn
- Content