Put the pedal to the metal - 66% more customers

Written by MIGHTY MONDAY | Apr 15, 2024 12:26:59 PM

The Challenge

To solve the challenge of scaling the business and increasing brand awareness, Justdrive sought a partner who could act as an internal marketing team and work closely with the company to develop a tailored digital strategy that would drive growth and interest in the product.



The solution

We developed a comprehensive digital strategy based on the synergy between the following service lines: Meta, Google Ads, CRM/Email Marketing, SEO and Branding. Prior to implementation, we conducted an in-depth data analysis of each marketing activity to identify the most effective ways to reach our target audience. We built digital strategies that catered to the customers who were actively in the market, but also how to ensure long-term growth through long-term brand activation.

Through our strategy, we applied data and learnings across the different service lines to create a cohesive and efficient approach. We continuously optimized our content, visuals, technology and audiences by analyzing data and adjusting our strategy to maximize our results.


By operating as an integral part of Justdrive's business, we have built a close working relationship, which has enabled us to understand their business and tailor our solutions and strategy to their specific needs and business goals. This approach has ensured that we continuously allocate marketing budget to the marketing efforts that create real value on the bottom line, and at the same time, we can continuously estimate how to calibrate our focus between getting customers now and focusing on building a future customer portfolio.

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