More online sales - now and here

Written by MIGHTY MONDAY | Apr 15, 2024 12:12:11 PM

The challenge

At the beginning of our collaboration, we faced a key challenge: how could we raise brand visibility, expand the customer base and boost sales on digital platforms? Although Alexander already had a presence on social media, he wanted to take the company's digital marketing to the next level.



The Solution / Approach

Marketing mix based on data analysis and strategy

After a thorough analysis of historical data from the website, CRM and ad platforms, we created a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Our marketing mix included three of our service lines: Meta, Google and Email, working in synergy to solve the challenge.

We chose to focus on advertising on Meta to create awareness and interest in the desired target groups with visually appealing content, but also to follow up with tactical ads for sales.

The more interest we created in the market, the more commercial searches we picked up on Google.

By having a presence on Google with both search and shopping ads, we ensured we were "catching" relevant clicks from people in the market who made related searches for the products. We saw a clear correlation in the number of searches through Google search results and the extent of our efforts on Meta, which is all about creating interest in the products. Our setup was continuously expanded to the extent that the price per purchase was ultimately good business for Alexander Lynggaard.

Alongside our efforts on Meta and Google, we focused on email marketing. Here, email marketing was implemented and reinforced to promote direct sales to new customers, but also to retain existing customers and create a higher lifetime value.

The activation of email marketing involved lead generation activities, automated flows and value-added newsletters. Automated email flows were created to engage potential customers and retain existing ones. These flows were customized for different customer journeys, including welcome flow, abandoned cart flow, win-back flow and post-purchase flow.

In addition to automated emails, we sent regular newsletters with relevant content such as product launches, stories and exclusive offers. Our use of data made it possible to segment and deliver personalized emails to the target audience.




We worked hard to create synergies between our strategy and the channels used. This meant that the communicative content and creative approach from Meta's ad platform was also integrated into our email campaigns.

Similarly, the communication in our Google ads was aligned to ensure a cohesive customer journey. This consistent approach helped us establish a stronger and more recognizable brand identity.

Test and learn framework

To maintain continuous development, we followed a structured "test and learn" approach where we continuously implemented smaller tests. These tests helped us draw conclusions and optimize our efforts. Our ongoing tests included audience testing, format adjustments, changes to creatives and communication in our texts.

All of this was done with the aim of learning from the data, optimizing based on it and creating momentum.



Feel free to reach out to us

We've rolled up our sleeves and are ready to help you grow your business and increase brand awareness.